'#marjawaanpianocover #dhrumilpancholi #fashion #marjawaan Mar Jawaan - Piano Cover | Fashion | Priyanka Chopra, kangana ranaut | Shruti Pathak, Salim Merchant Song - Mar Jawaan Film - Fashion Singer - Shruti Pathak, Salim Merchant Lyricist - Irfan Siddiqui Music Director - Salim- Sulaiman Artist - Priyanka Chopra, Kangna Ranawat, Arbaaz Khan ► Interact with me: Add me on Facebook ➢ http://facebook.com/dhrumilpancholi Follow me on Instagram ➢ http://instagram.com/dhrumilpancholi_ Follow my Daily Snapchat ➢ dhrumil.music ► Want me to cover your song in my style? Email me - dhrumilpancholi411@gmail.com All rights go to the respective producers and music labels of the song, this is only my original rendition/Interpretation.'
Tags: India , Music , piano , indian , Priyanka Chopra , yamaha , Kangana Ranaut , fashion movie songs , kangana ranaut songs , pianocover , mar jawaan fashion song , korg , Dgx660 , Krome , Mar Jawaan - Piano Cover , marjawaan cover , fashion song cover , marjawaan fashion piano cover , piano cover dhrumil pancholi , dhrumil pancholi piano cover , hobby haat , kangana ranaut mar jawaan , fashion song piano cover
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